Sunday, September 18, 2011

sick love

Sick love

Thought this pit in my stomach

empty feeling

was cause i was hungry

Thought this dizzy and weak

uneasy feeling

was cause i had a headache

I thought this pain in my side, felt like someone took the wind out of my life

was cause someone knocked me over

I thought this zombie like, stuck emotions

stiff thing I got going on

was cause I didn't get enough sleep

but then I remedied those feelings

I ate, drugged up, relaxed, laid down, took a nap

woke up

and realized this is was those r&b songs were talking about

when your heart is heavy and the air is thick

when your constantly thinking and suffering

This is what it is to be love sick

Got the memories on replay

tears gathering at eyes corners

Cant eat

Cant sleep

Vomit, trying to throw you up and and out of my system

wipes face, and stares at the mirror

not really looking in the mirror, for who is me

the picture is convoluted

Look at what the fuck fate did.

forced smiles

shrugs shoulders

no answers

just lost

still wondering

lonely arms

longing lips

feeling like a fool



counting down

circles round and round

Endless rollercoaster



learned lessons


confused faces

brows furrowed

spontaneous half smiles

regular frowns

the are you okay's

you dont look good

thats cause i just dont feel good

The many Leave Me alones

Living just to get by to the next day

Going through the motions as clocks are ticking in the background

feeling every moment, long drawn out

life is passing

fall into slumber to be taken away

dreams and the past seems so pleasant

Forever damaged and never the same

whimpering again

damn Just finished

Hate this feeling

get wasted

immunity it gives

truce comes with the numbness

Then feeling resurfaces

lock me in a mental institution

evidence of my insanity

feel so crazy


This is kind of dark for me. I was trying to capture the essence of illness and the feeling that one feels with love lost. Its crazy how emotions can translate into physical pain. I want to expose the poignancy of how love lost causes a gamut of emotional turmoil...It is very obvious is this poem, nothing just suggested... In the same way those feelings and pain are very real.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thoughts for today

I am blessed. I had originally started this post and it was too negative. I was talking about how I am in a state of unrest. Turned off by what am doing and ready for the next. Then I thought, you know what, it all could be a whole lot worst. At least I am doing something. Though I am not doing exactly what I would like to do, maybe it is preparing me for what is to come. I am anxious for the future, but in due time things will unfold. I am glad to be alive and breathing! I love myself and am optimistic about future endeavors. I have said before life is not easy and that is why only the strong survive. That starts with a strong mind; a clear, untainted by substances, focused and positive mind. I want more than this. I Can Do All things Through Christ who strengthens me.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sólo Tu

Come to me as only you can
I tremble at your embrace
I hold you tight just in case, you forget my touch
I hold you tight because I must
I want my love ingrained
imprinted on your canvas
a spot that fills and grows
like ink on a medium that absorbs, it overflows
other than me, only you know
the secrets
our private delights
mornings, noons, nights
You are exquisite
I crave your taste
only it does satisfy
Ill take anything, with You Laced
you send me reeling
I want this, an enduring feeling
I am left breathless
endorphins racing
I am high
bursting with all the all the emotions I feeling inside
sólo tu


For every word you've said
its hard to believe them
Its probably because its hard to see them
irrefutable, not
for every one I can make case for the opposite
but to you, your love is supposed to be obvious
Cant be
when every Word
is laced with visual contradictions
evidence seen, weighs more than that which is just heard

Trying to believe
Trying to have faith
Trying to trust
but when the past replays its song
and Doubt plays its somber yet shrill and striking tones
Its hard not to listen
Its hard to forget
That Words were said before
and thats just what they were


Saturday, April 30, 2011


Tired of Dreaming
Want my imagination's plans to be realized
Tired of Dreaming
figments of my mind need to be tangible
I want to touch them
I want to feel them
I want to live them
Tired of Dreaming
Cause it all feels so far away
been dreaming to long
when will i wake up and really live

Friday, April 29, 2011

Old fashioned

I was able to go to my friend's Easter dinner with her family. I was graced to be able to meet her great-grandmother. She was the cutest old lady! Still up and running, talking, smiling, very active. I loved it. I aspire to be like that at the age. We were sitting by the piano looking at old pictures and there was one with her and her husband. As we were looking she tenderly grabs the picture and explained that this was her and her late husband in their younger years. I looked at her gazing at the picture and all I could see was love. I was Wowed!. She further explained more about him and then told me she was a romanticist. She then started talking about how much she loved him. She said she worshipped the ground that man walked on. I thought it was soo beautiful. I wanted to write something about it, and I will Im just not going to post it yet. I felt the love bubbling over though. It was crazy, like how is something so enduring, even after your partner passes away, that another individual can feel it.

It is rare to see that with us younger folk. Some how back then people understood (not all people of course) the WE concept. We are so individualistic and selfish nowadays that we don't always consider the greater priority, the US, that we have decided to commit ourselves to. We are so focused on how I am feeling and how the other person is making OurSelf feel that we cant get further or deeper, for the greater good. Sacrifice is a foreign concept, and both parties must adhere to it. Sacrifice doesn't mean changing who you are, it just says I making adjustments to my individual ways so that we can be, and so you can be in my life. For some reason, older folks are used to making adjustments.

Id rather be old fashioned. They lasted longer.
and now ladies and gentleman, Cee Lo Green, with Old Fashioned...

My loves' old fashioned
But it still works
Just the way it is.

This love is classic
And not just simply because
I say it is.
It's right on time (right on time)
And it's timeless (timeless)
And it'll be right here, for always.

My loves' old fashioned
So be it, I'm set in my ways.
Hush child, just listen
Don't it sound just like the good old days.

Well it's right on time (right on time)
And it's timeless (timeless)
And it'll be right here, for always (always).
My love's right one time (right on time)
And it's timeless (timeless)
I'll be right here for always.

Oooo... people they gather round, and they wonder how
Are we in love right here and now.
I just smile cause true love doesn't go out of style.
Ooh... right on time, Ooh, yes,
Ooh... on time, ooh timeless
I'll be here, for always.

Toodles Bspot...


Wake up in the morning still taste you on my lips
smile, wait a while
just savoring your kiss
close my eyes again so my senses can distinctly detect each flavor
open the eyes again smile again
send up silent prayers thanking your maker
turn over
look over
chuckle at your disposition
your coverings everywhere
looking disheveled
reminiscing about what got you there
we took it to so many levels

rest my head on your chest
squeeze you, your mines and Im yours
trail my fingers, up then down
memorizing your every contour
hold you like I am never letting go
daydreaming about the future that may unfold
fall back into slumber as the rise and fall of your chest takes me away
Drifting, but comforted knowing, I can wake up to this everyday

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Winter's comfort

This is kind of part two of Remembering Winter. People often revisit the past hoping for different outcomes. I decided to revisit my old writings and write a part two. Enjoy.

Erratic as the weather
Summer when it should be winter
Why did I not stay in winter
Frozen where nothing could penetrate
Instead I toyed with spring, romanced summer
and the fall swiftly introduced pain and ache
did you not learn the Arctic was home
better off cold and alone

Glimmer of hope came from spring sun's light
only to later discover light was reflecting not coming from thee
blinding me, and now I see
my source of hope was misdirected yet again
Is there no compass, no astrology, no nothing for direction
the weather changes and takes me as it pleases
seek solace in cold winters dark, where I don't want to be, but must
for other season's fanfare I cannot trust

How did allow our spring to come again
Perhaps it was the promise of growth and of new
anticipation of summers long days with you
who knew, fall would come so soon
the decent was quick
thought a couple seasons would last before the good weather quit
false sense of security
but then again who controls the seasons
not you, not me
so winter comes regardless
back to my frozen mold...

Remembering winter by ME circa 2006

Here is my teardrop
A frozen memory in our inevitable winter
It melts,
melts when it remembers our spring
I remember its progression
first sporadically driziling, cascading faintly on my cheek
escalating as calendar pages flip
to rainstorms
a season of rainfall at its peak
I tried to find cover
but there was none
I was soaked and blinded in the storm
I could not see that the end that was before me

Close ones passed tissues
warning to dry my eyes and see the light
but there stood Eye, jackass in the rain
a fool, letting teardrops pound on my sight

Changes in the weather
stood to long and got cold
I remember the change to snow
Glad I finally let you go

Spring time comes again
For me at least....

Hahaha throwback pics from 2006

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Never not love you

Never could I ever

Make you disappear

My heart, your name is tattooed there

Time doesn’t erase

My mind, envisions you clear

Never could I ever

Act like you don’t exist

Even when you are gone

And I try to forget you are always missed

Never could I ever

Act like we never happened

The smiles

The sighs

The dark nights where all we see is gazing eyes,

Hear hearts beats, and just beats

From Touching chests and thighs


Never could I ever

Really go away

An invisible rope does bind

Is this a soul tie?

Is this fate?

Are you my soul mate?

Never could I ever

Stop this feeling

Only briefly Paused,

Perhaps, held in abeyance

Like waiting to catch your breath

After you gasp

Never could I ever

See life with out you

Lost without you

Never could I ever

Not love you.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Love or insanity

I was talking to a friend and that made me think. I feel like everybody just waiting to get fucked over. Females esp. We have all seen friends, mothers, cousins, aunts, grandmas and whoever get messed over, tricked or some other foul happening. I think we expect it. It's really messed up that this expectation, in an underlying way, creeps into our thinking. It effects how we interact with our significant others. We always feel like we have to make up a back up plan. I feel like we arm our selves up for war even when there is no battle in sight. We are taught to be skeptical of people. Of men, particularly. We have to be sometimes, because this world is crazy. Where is the limit though? I often wonder if women are doing a self-fufilling prophecy, pushing our men away by not believing that they will do right. Additionally, I feel like we also try play the real laid back role, where we try not to care so much and that still ends up being a mess. Where is the happy MEDIUM!! Whats that song...Everybody plays the fool...sometimes... no exception to the rule. I think thats how it goes, and its true we all have to play the fool role in relationship sometimes. Hopefully not too many times.
My grandmother, or some older person told me that love is the best times and the worst of times. I just pray that in my love situation (s) or what have you, the best of times outweigh the worst of times.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I wish I could get out of my emotions

And into my head

Can’t even think straight

All I know is my heart rate ain’t been right

Its on overdrive and it took over the fight

But for some reason it doesn’t have any sense

Offense Then Defense

Then reverse

The decisions its making

The moves its taking

Is it even debating, or acting only on impulse

Its not logical at all

To be honest the heart doesn’t think

Nor is it specific or actions distinct

If only the object of its affection

Knew his power of pleasure and affliction

Perhaps My Heart does know the power he wields

And is purposeful

And the heart allows what the head would shield.

OH Heart!
OH heart

Stop beating, because you know not what you do

Make me into genius and into fool

But I guess love and life are integrated

And with out My Heart I die

Friday, April 8, 2011


If it were the end of the world
what would I do
i run home to the arms of you
thats the place i want to stay
the only somewhere my heart seeks to be
the only location thats right for me
to spend those last moments of breath
you in view
the wrongs of the past would die with me and you
it is transcendent.


swaying in the wind
I am happy
I am peace
I am full of contentment
No responsibility except to enjoy all that is good
Movement or not
I am the epitome of joy
No raining on my parade
as i let the sun of good life run its warm fingers all over me
laying in the grass admiring the sky
if only i could get so high
spinning fancy
skipping and dancing
I am smiling
I am light
what is misery
never came for tea
we dont socialize
my freedom is immeasurable
no worries
no cares
enveloped in lifes sweet caress
just Be
I Am hippie me...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The unexpected

I've come to expect the unexpected. I should be shocked at the surprises life throws me. I do say WOW, but daily there is something occurring that I did not see coming. Today was one of those days, I have had a couple WOW days back to back recently. What is going on world? lol. I was so happy today. It felt good, the weather was nice, and my day ended quite lovely. Refreshing actually! Never thought it would be like this. I cant wait to see what happens next. The story is unfolding before my very eyes. How quickly do things change....WOW

Going to sleep with a smile
Night Bspot!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Screaming through a sound proof wall

This is what the caged animal must feel like

Solemnly staring, once the internal rant is over

Confused from misuse

Should be free, but trapped in misery

This is why there is revolution

When requesting change back to better or for the better,

Results in no restitution

This is why I take up arms, fight with all my might

Though silent my plight

Silent suffering, but still indication of suffering

My demeanor doesn’t lie

Through cracked voice, in explanation, you hear my cry


So I take action

I’ve departed

Heart rescued from that which dared bring it harm

Eyes un-blinded from charms

Freed and frolicking in fields of unknown wonder

Natural habitat out yonder

But the temptation

Reminiscent sounds of comfortable familiarity send underlying tones

Come back to where you belong

Memories reach out with open arms


Assumptions get you killed

Assumptions get you killed. But Ms. we assume things everyday. I know I know. I wasn't saying you literally get killed. It was more metaphorically, if anything. Although it is very well possible to get killed from making assumptions. Stupid. Stupid. Anyway, I am talking about when you assume things about another individual. We assume that the people we love will be alive tomorrow. We assume that the people we count on will always be there. We assume people will never do things they do. Maybe its that we hope, and without the hope/ assumption we couldn't exist I guess. Well back to my point (tangents!!), I feel like when one assumes something about someone and when that assumption is not met or fulfilled, something in you dies. Especially, when those assumptions are based in logic. You are my parent, so I assume you should be there. You are my lover, significant other..I assume that you will care for me and avoid hurting me. Why is it that very often these assumptions are not realized? Is the world that sick and twisted of a place? Is it better to just isolate yourself? Are these Un-met assumptions unavoidable. I think so, but that is life. So what to do next? You recognize that the assumption of another is not always what is real and then you move on with your life. You recognize that every relationship is not a dream come true and you learn from it. You don't operate victimized, rather you leave empowered. Otherwise, you are then burdened with miseries that will plague you for life.

This was a great psycho-babble. In layman's terms it kinda goes like this. You assume people are what you dream them to be, or even what they seem to be. They are not, more often then not they disappoint you. You are hurt. You are sad. You feel murdered. You feel betrayed. You feel unloved. You may feel unworthy, insignificant, and unimportant. But it is not the end. You can survive. Assumptions don't define you. They are just a temporary explanation for how someone Should be. Recognize it for that, and don't dwell on the faults of another. Do you. Choose you. Choose to live better than the BS they presented to you. Life goes on.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello Old friend

I cant believe I have not blogged since feb 07, 2011
What a failure at life, so not winning.
I dont really have much to write about and then alot to right about the same time. I guess the words just wont come out. I hate this feeling. It is worst than a writers block. At least with a writers block there is nothing. No direction and no inspiration. The words dont exist. How I am feeling right now, I am sure there are words to capture its essence. I am thinking so many thing write now, but they wont come out! Shit! Yea, I used an expletive so what. The other words in my native tongue of English will not reveal themselves so I will resolve to use more debased forms of expression. SHIT! I should right something about this. No I wont because that will be more tangental and drive me further into the muddle that I am only, as of yet, on the fringes off. I stand teetering on the edge, dont know if I will fall in and drawn or just end up in perpetual fighting of it. I dont know what to do. I am in limbo. In purgatory. Save me. Guide me. Show me. (Mikaela's Plea)

I wish it was a simple as someone telling me what to do and then me fulfill the order. I wish I could snap my finger and everything fall into place. I wish this came with a guidebook or a map with hints. I am wandering blindly and bumping into everything. Why didnt I have a preview. Perhaps I did have one and was caught up in the imaginative recesses of my mind where only splendid things occur and i missed it. By Jove, I missed it.

Night. Sleep tight
B spot got me right.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Diary's Secrets #1

So from time to time I've decided to post some excerpts of poems and such from my diaries. Nothing tooo crazy or personal. Just little tidbits I feel like sharing...

Never thought I would long for what we once had
Never though I would long to hear your voice so bad
Never thought I would long for your touch
Never thought I would miss you so much
Now we play like there was nothing there
Now we act like neither of us care
Now we act like strangers when we re-meet
I raise my hands, give up in defeat
Gave up on the we that we once were
However in my heart there alway be be a place that is yours

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I miss those yesterdays
The days we used to share

did they really exist?

so long ago did they occur
fading, hazy, evaporating into a blurr
Faintly do I remember the imprint of your caress
if I close my eyes and focus I can tune into the beat of your chest
nostalgia hits when i go certain places
hear certain sounds
smell certain things
I can think of the faces
the faces you made in those moments past
and then i come back to reality
does nothing last?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An ode to Natural

Natural is the only way, try it if you dare
Love All my kinks and curls
Natural rules the World
Oh so Versatile
Lovin this natural style

Natural= The Best
So what if I'm biased :P

Friday, January 28, 2011

I miss you

I have always had difficulty with the whole I miss you thing. i rarely miss people and if I do miss them they were important. Like i used to see them everyday or regularly and now I dont. We used to hang out and now we dont. We used to talk frequently and now we dont. I just really despise how loosely the word is thrown around. Ive always been the type to say what I mean and mean what I say. So it is with clenched teeth and and awkward smile I sometimes respond I miss you. What are you supposed to say when someone you dont miss says I miss you. Say "awww thats so nice." Believe me I have tried almost every avoidance technique. They usually dont go over to well
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I love you extraordinarily
Because ordinarily
The the things you do, wouldnt be for me
I would be done you see
But your the exception to my rules
Ill be the dummy, yup im the fool
For you, Love made me stupid
Yea he got me,
Shot me
Dat nigga cupid
And so I love you
Your my valentine
Automatically be mine
Through the good bad,happy,sad
Shoot all time
And thats fine
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To Much to Know To Little Time

There is a wealth of information circulating in this world. Knowledge that has been passed down though the ages and recent discoveries emerging daily. How to do we sift through tons of information and only decipher what is relevant and useful. There so many things I would like to know and yet I am burdened with thought that I may never really get to understand all of them. I read books, blogs, magazines, newspapers, texts, everything! I cant get enough. Then there are the topics in school that I have to grasp as well. Its like when will I experience and overload.

What am I going to do with all this information. Sometimes this whole school thing makes me forget about the real world because I don't always get to apply my knowledge. It feels like I learn for nothing. Then I get my "real world" experiences through internships or whatever, but I don't really feel like I am applying the knowledge either. I feel yet again, uninvolved, the sideline observer. The learner, the sifter of information ( that I don't use, I just gather). I want to do something with the things that I know. Otherwise, it is all just sitting here in my head. What to do? What to do? Start my own? I plan on it. But I also still feel like I don't know enough to start my own, sooo then I go back again with the school learning. UHHHH! Maybe I should just throw myself out there. On the job training. Have to think on my feet. That is the true test. Right? Or is preparation the only way to go? Well back to preparing for now, I have to go read my text book and write notes.

School over Bspot Today.
Cant stop wont stop, time doesn't stop

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is Lonely...

The difference between yesterday and today is
Today I am alone
only because you are not physically by my side
In Yesterday's I was LONELY
from that state of yesterday to this one today
I know I can survive
Loneliness forever subsides
Alone and I Cant wait for your return to Me my LOVE
I just want to Touch YOU

The littlest things

I swear some of the most smallest things bring joy to my day. I have decided to compile a list and reflect on the littlest things that make me smile.

Great Melt-in-your-mouth-sleep-induced-itis FOOD
Christmas mints (The soft chewy ones, I get them every year)
Surprise baked soft n gooey cookies (chocolate chips are the bests)
Bubble baths
Flowers in an inappropriate or not typical settings (like in cracked concrete, or sad areas)
Homeade goods (funky jewelry, clothes, cool stuff etc)
Fluffy blankets
The Breeze
The Sun on a Spring Day (moderate temperature)
The rain on Summer nights
Smooth music
Painting my nails (or someone painting them for me :))
Singing really loud for no reason
Holding Hands
Good smelling lotions and perfumes
Spontaneous missions
Calypso and Soca
Moments with the family
Drawing and Painting
Hanging out/partying with friends
Great Conversations
Undivided attention
Books, that make me mesmerized
Laughing Hard
Big Hugs
Long Kisses
Back Rubs, shoot Body Rubs
Good Movie
my sisters face, and laugh
my brothers talks
The Triangle
Saying you'll be there, and be there
reliability ( like how I know no matter what, Daddy is coming through)
Mommy being silly
Pancakes (so many last min trips to Ihop)
Waffle House too!!
Outrageous, Big and Gaudy rings
The perfect fit
pretty lipstick
Nights in with my girls, just sitting chilling and talking
Relaxing with my babe
Joking with my babe
Talking with my babe
_____with my babe
being with my babe
My babe
Being mad at my babe, then not
A good cry, the crazy faces I make in the mirror during and after LOL
Going to the Park and playing
eating in general
There is more but I have to get back to my work now. I have passed my get work done deadline twice. Shit!
Ill do part 2 some other time

Damn Bspot
You made me feel good though

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nothing in particular

I dont have anything really to talk about right now. I am just sitting here in my apt. sipping on some sangria, supposed to be working on this presentation, but not. I don't know why I get so distracted from my work sometimes. I don't even really feel like doing it. I kind of want these next ten months to go by fast, which they probably will because that is how life goes, but on the other hand I don't because I don't know what in the world I will do after these months are over. I don't know if I am truly maximizing my time here. Then again Im not sure how to maximize my time here. I have an internship now. I have school and yet Im not sure if I am doing the right things. Sometimes I long to home so bad, but for what. What am I possibly going to do that is sooooo much better then what I am doing now. Nothing. I would be in the same predicament; trying to figure it out. LOL. Is this how life goes. Honestly I have started to think about joining the military. That would give me structure, money, and something to do with myself. Would I love it? Probably not. Would I like it. In ways I would. I could make it work. I could make anything work as long as I can pay my bills. Well i couldnt make being a stripper or prostitute work, but other than that I pretty flexible. I could make anything work that wouldnt disturb my self-love.
Sometimes I wish I could just escape the world with some special person, go re-populate our special island, eat, drink and be merry. I understand why the hippie movement started. So chill! Fry some brain cells, have fun, support some cause, sway to music, and live. I should start a new hippie movement. Who cares about the country's financial problems or the recession. Who needs war. Lets just hold hands and have peace n love. Listening to the Beatles right now BTW! I rub your back you rub mines and lets have a good time. GRoovY BaBy!

I understand the plight of my age group. Of course because I am in it. We are stuck between childhood and real life and both sides are pulling on us. We have to decide am I going to grow up and become the adult or try to maintain childhood just seeking fun and merriment. I sooooo want to choose the latter sometimes.

Next song just came up on my Itunes. Beyonce He's my man. What a joke. This message she is giving young women. She is talking about how other women, I am assuming her friends, are pointing out the flaws in her man, but she doesnt care because of the way he makes her feel. No matter what she gonna be there. What the hell! See this is why us young women are fools. We go off what He makes us feel. He makes a feel good and special, but what about the other crap he does....Lol...but hey Beyonce says no matter what be there...haha! Then she wants to talk about how she doesnt want to be the Broken-hearted girl. My itunes mix is trying to make a funny. Showing her hypocrisy. I probably should stop listening to her right now though. I am liable to cry. haha!

bye Bspot clearly the sangria is starting to talk to me.
kisses n hugs!


left without you
my possession
Disappearing acts
now here now not
Should I stay Should I go
never know
what future holds
dizzy with consternation
accepting resolve
pining for change
no evolving
the same

I was just thinking about this time in my life. Sometimes I feel like i missing something. Thats why I thought of the word Bereft which means (as told by webster) deprived or robbed of the possession of something; lacking something needed, wanted or, expected. I guess Im searching for the missing link or piece. I'll find it eventually...

BSpot Chillin..


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I love being busy. I like passing out after a hard day, but not everyday. I need balance too. I will be getting it starting friday. Im liking this though. I have to be better with my time management. Get all my work done for the most part on the weekends and grind out during the week. Action plan in place. Ready. Set. Go.

I was gonna say break. like I was in a huddle and now I was going to action, but i was not sure if that was right. 0_O. haha. I am delirious forreal. FTW im tired. NIght NIght BSpot

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What IF

I wish I could go back to the day I met you and walk away

What would have been had we never met that day

I never caught your eye and you never caught mine

Would my life be sublime?

What if we could turn the hands of time?

And plan to avert

To avoid the pain and hurt

If people could really start again

Would we even have relationship

Would we even be friends

If I could make things afresh and anew

I would have nothing to do with you

Live today

For tomorrow is gone

The past is stagnant

The future is unknown

Today is moldable

Over yesterday and Tomorrow you have No power

Only today.

Second by Second

Minute by Minute

Hour by Hour

Now is only relevant

Past and Future you cannot dwell in


All you can do is

Live today

Why do we often plague ourselves with the question "What IF" We can do nothing to change the past, but many times it is the focal point or determining factor in our decision making. Yes, we should learn from past mistakes, but dwell on them, no. Of course things did happen, we had experiences that truly impacted us and even made us into the people we are today. I've decided to change my mindset. I dont want to wonder what if anymore. I think I will try to live life with the "What's next" philosophy. Live for today and not what happened yesterday. The past does not define today and with that goodnight BSPOt


Friday, January 14, 2011


Im really starting to get into cooking again. I used to be against it because I thought of it as taunting myself. I didnt like the tease of waiting for the food to be ready. I just wanted to eat. Im over that nonsense now, instead I like the whole process of seeing the food coming together. I like seasoning and trying different things. Ive started baking and its waaaayy more fun to make things from scratch. Tonight I was supposed to make buttermilk fried chicken (its seasoned and sitting in the fridge), candy yams, macaroni pie (macaroni and cheese), and green beans. I got distracted my setting up my room. I guess it all works out because Ill just make it tomorrow and eat it for sat and sun dinner. Later on this week I am gonna make curry chicken, I may try my hand at doubles and see how that goes. I have to get a recipe. I also want to make sorrel or mauby this week. YUMSTER. hopefully I have time. I have plenty of food in my kitchen to try new stuff. I am really excited. I have sum dishes under my belt, but by the time 2012 comes, I should be able to make a whole cookbook, with the recipes I have in my head!

Tentative cooking plans:
I wanna make

orange chicken
garlic and ginger fried chicken wings
sharberry shorcake
apple pie/apple crisp
potato salad
other ways to make cornish hen
other salmon recipes
other fish recipes
florentine steak
pepper steak
peach cobbler
yeast rolls
arroz con pollo
lobster (stuffed too)
a variety of cakes and cookies
and a whole list of cultural foods from different countries
The list goes on!
Im really really excited

Not only is cooking going to be big for me in 2011, but I also plan on drawing and painting more. Additionally I want to sew.

I am really trying to organize my apt now, so I can just straighten up and not have to clean extensively. I can spend my time doing other things. Including my work for school, which I want to start doing more in advance as well.

Life. I am getting there!

Ta Ta Bspot

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thoughts of someone who should be sleeping

Today i fit my sign as far as the moody emotional. I definitely had some highs and lows. Sometimes i wish people could read minds,but only when you wanted them to. O well. It was a very unproductive snow day. I laid around. I relaxed. I pondered about life. I was upset. I was happy. I heard something disturbing. I laughed and laughed hard. I ate good. Today was a good day. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

BTW ive been thinking and I have been blessed with some great friends. Some who give me advice. Others for laughing and keeping it light. Friends to hang out, party, and have a great time with. A group of people i cant be real with. The love crazy me and I love em too. I just want to thank God for the people he put in my life. I love them. I have varying but all great relationships with each of them. Some people know all people and have the ultimate social network but only have one true friend. Other people have nothing at all. I have a few extraordinary friends and I appreciate them so much. Thank you guys for being my friends. Life would not be the same without you all.

I feel truly favored. I really have to thank God.
In this journey of life I never really been alone. I may have felt lonely at times, but in the grand scheme of things and compared to others ive pretty much dodged the bullet. No crazies for me. None ever hopefully n God willing.

You know this is great going to sleep in peace. Despite some of todays upsets n dissapointments at he end of the day I know it could have been worst.
Blessed Indeed.
Toodlea n nite nite bspot
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On my phone

Oh-em-gelly ive now dowloaded the blogger app on my phone. Im gonna be a blogger/addict/lunatic person. Well perhapa not to that extent, but i will definitely be blogging more often now that I can blog on the go. I can create special days to devote topics and all that. Post pics. Give play by plays of my random thoughts Wow. I am a tad bit too excited. Is this a sign that I have no life. Lol just kidding. Am I??

Any who i have been debating whether to debut my blog. Im not sure yet. I never have told anyone I blog..well minus a couple people. We shall see. Its not like someone couldnt somehow come across my page.( double neg.. i kno dont care :P) If i broadcast it I may get more traffic in here. Mostly curious eyes and those tormented by boredom..but hey its people nonetheless.

Btw i had an Amazing chill day. I read, surfed the net, ate sum.good food in my place of residence ( no eating out for me), n had finished the day off with relax combo#idk strawberry icecream,bubble bath, dim lights n music. Now im blogging myself to sleep (instead of counting sheepies
I guess). Actually im tired, pooped this little mind massage has been soothing. Deeply relaxing.
Toodles Bspot mwah
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

What If

I wish I could go back to the day I met you and walk away

What would have been we never met that day

I never caught your eye and you never caught mine

Would my life be sublime?

What if we could turn the hands of time?

And plan to avert

To avoid the pain and hurt

If people could really start again

Would we even have relationship

Would we even be friends

If I could make things afresh and anew

I would have nothing to do with you


One look stopped me in my tracks

From there I was on a mission

I already had it envisioned

Seduce and conquer

You would be mines

If only for one Night

As Luther did sing

U gone like this shit

But I don’t need a ring

I need a right now

It’s only a matter of how

So I sashayed

I didn’t have to use words

I laughed at the right time

Gave you the eye

Even let your body brush my thigh

Subtle hints

Disguised my demands

I know you wanted it

So I set forth plans


So you could see the roll of my hips

With the song I sang, paused, and licked my lips

Took a couple of drinks

So you would think I was loosey goosey

Got myself in a trance thinking of how you would use me

But how to get you alone

The next target on my list

But ah hah, your on it

Didn’t even have to wish

Made your way to my private sanctuary

Where I bow my head and close my eyes

Instead of the usual soft breathing

Commenced your groans and my sighs


knew from that first look that we would see eye to eye

we didn’t even have to try.

So intense, your rock and my motion

Ecstasy the only emotion

And then an explosion



Aight honey, we don’t need a break

Get it all before its to late

Because just how our bodies didn’t have to imply Hi

Eventually it was gonna be goodbye..

And we have to leave satisfied…

Friday, January 7, 2011


Sometimes I wonder if you can rely on anyone in this world? I count on my parents, my family, and myself. But can you even really depend on them? We are all fallible creatures. For that reason alone should one expect the worst out of someone, or even have no expectations at all. Is this where hope and faith play their roles? Should you allow people to be innocent until they are proven guilty when it comes to reliability? Or assume they are guilty and wont be reliable until they have a proven track record of coming through when you need them and even when you don't? I wonder which stance I should take. Which will lead to less dissapointment?
What about when someone consistently proves that they are unreliable? The people who say they will do things and don't. You call them in crisis and they are unresponsive. Why continue to subject yourself to their nonsense? They are inconsistent. Is it because you like them... You enjoy their company.. they have been around so long you are soooo used to them..or even because of Love?
Its hard to let people go, especially when you have created deep attachments and special bonds. Honestly though if people were to cut off everyone who has done them wrong would any relationships exist? Then again wouldn't it be better to eliminate those who are on their third fourth and fifth rounds of being sources of pain and anguish.
Human dilemmas and tragedies are for the birds. I think I will just live and stop wondering for now because our habits as people don't make sense.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year-Determined

Life is flying by expeditiously and I feel like I am barely hanging on in this rush.
Everything is happening soooo quickly. I am already in my second term in grad school. My christmas break is over and I am headed back to grind at school for the next ten months. I know i will have my masters at the end of it, but it is going by so quickly that i'm not sure if I am grasping everything. I am passing of course, but is the information truly ingrained. Im not certain.
I also don't feel invested in this process. I need to get my mind right and wrapped around it, however, despite my daily pep talk I still find myself drifting back into either la la land or a lazy slump.

I gotta find a life out there by school. I am detached and need a connections. I guess that would be my New Years Resolution. I resolve to do better. My father is always telling me I am doing this so I can have a better future, for my kids, and its way bigger than just me. Its hard to make the concept will me to move, to do. It does not inspire the passion that I seek. I am thoroughly intrigued by some of the things I am learning. I wish I could do the application part. Maybe that is what I lack, the hands on aspect.
I need a job in the field ::crosses fingers::. I hope I get one. I WILL get one.

Bye BSpot..aaahhhh much better