Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On my phone

Oh-em-gelly ive now dowloaded the blogger app on my phone. Im gonna be a blogger/addict/lunatic person. Well perhapa not to that extent, but i will definitely be blogging more often now that I can blog on the go. I can create special days to devote topics and all that. Post pics. Give play by plays of my random thoughts Wow. I am a tad bit too excited. Is this a sign that I have no life. Lol just kidding. Am I??

Any who i have been debating whether to debut my blog. Im not sure yet. I never have told anyone I blog..well minus a couple people. We shall see. Its not like someone couldnt somehow come across my page.( double neg.. i kno dont care :P) If i broadcast it I may get more traffic in here. Mostly curious eyes and those tormented by boredom..but hey its people nonetheless.

Btw i had an Amazing chill day. I read, surfed the net, ate sum.good food in my place of residence ( no eating out for me), n had finished the day off with relax combo#idk strawberry icecream,bubble bath, dim lights n music. Now im blogging myself to sleep (instead of counting sheepies
I guess). Actually im tired, pooped this little mind massage has been soothing. Deeply relaxing.
Toodles Bspot mwah
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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