Sunday, January 23, 2011

The littlest things

I swear some of the most smallest things bring joy to my day. I have decided to compile a list and reflect on the littlest things that make me smile.

Great Melt-in-your-mouth-sleep-induced-itis FOOD
Christmas mints (The soft chewy ones, I get them every year)
Surprise baked soft n gooey cookies (chocolate chips are the bests)
Bubble baths
Flowers in an inappropriate or not typical settings (like in cracked concrete, or sad areas)
Homeade goods (funky jewelry, clothes, cool stuff etc)
Fluffy blankets
The Breeze
The Sun on a Spring Day (moderate temperature)
The rain on Summer nights
Smooth music
Painting my nails (or someone painting them for me :))
Singing really loud for no reason
Holding Hands
Good smelling lotions and perfumes
Spontaneous missions
Calypso and Soca
Moments with the family
Drawing and Painting
Hanging out/partying with friends
Great Conversations
Undivided attention
Books, that make me mesmerized
Laughing Hard
Big Hugs
Long Kisses
Back Rubs, shoot Body Rubs
Good Movie
my sisters face, and laugh
my brothers talks
The Triangle
Saying you'll be there, and be there
reliability ( like how I know no matter what, Daddy is coming through)
Mommy being silly
Pancakes (so many last min trips to Ihop)
Waffle House too!!
Outrageous, Big and Gaudy rings
The perfect fit
pretty lipstick
Nights in with my girls, just sitting chilling and talking
Relaxing with my babe
Joking with my babe
Talking with my babe
_____with my babe
being with my babe
My babe
Being mad at my babe, then not
A good cry, the crazy faces I make in the mirror during and after LOL
Going to the Park and playing
eating in general
There is more but I have to get back to my work now. I have passed my get work done deadline twice. Shit!
Ill do part 2 some other time

Damn Bspot
You made me feel good though

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