Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To Much to Know To Little Time

There is a wealth of information circulating in this world. Knowledge that has been passed down though the ages and recent discoveries emerging daily. How to do we sift through tons of information and only decipher what is relevant and useful. There so many things I would like to know and yet I am burdened with thought that I may never really get to understand all of them. I read books, blogs, magazines, newspapers, texts, everything! I cant get enough. Then there are the topics in school that I have to grasp as well. Its like when will I experience and overload.

What am I going to do with all this information. Sometimes this whole school thing makes me forget about the real world because I don't always get to apply my knowledge. It feels like I learn for nothing. Then I get my "real world" experiences through internships or whatever, but I don't really feel like I am applying the knowledge either. I feel yet again, uninvolved, the sideline observer. The learner, the sifter of information ( that I don't use, I just gather). I want to do something with the things that I know. Otherwise, it is all just sitting here in my head. What to do? What to do? Start my own? I plan on it. But I also still feel like I don't know enough to start my own, sooo then I go back again with the school learning. UHHHH! Maybe I should just throw myself out there. On the job training. Have to think on my feet. That is the true test. Right? Or is preparation the only way to go? Well back to preparing for now, I have to go read my text book and write notes.

School over Bspot Today.
Cant stop wont stop, time doesn't stop

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