Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nothing in particular

I dont have anything really to talk about right now. I am just sitting here in my apt. sipping on some sangria, supposed to be working on this presentation, but not. I don't know why I get so distracted from my work sometimes. I don't even really feel like doing it. I kind of want these next ten months to go by fast, which they probably will because that is how life goes, but on the other hand I don't because I don't know what in the world I will do after these months are over. I don't know if I am truly maximizing my time here. Then again Im not sure how to maximize my time here. I have an internship now. I have school and yet Im not sure if I am doing the right things. Sometimes I long to home so bad, but for what. What am I possibly going to do that is sooooo much better then what I am doing now. Nothing. I would be in the same predicament; trying to figure it out. LOL. Is this how life goes. Honestly I have started to think about joining the military. That would give me structure, money, and something to do with myself. Would I love it? Probably not. Would I like it. In ways I would. I could make it work. I could make anything work as long as I can pay my bills. Well i couldnt make being a stripper or prostitute work, but other than that I pretty flexible. I could make anything work that wouldnt disturb my self-love.
Sometimes I wish I could just escape the world with some special person, go re-populate our special island, eat, drink and be merry. I understand why the hippie movement started. So chill! Fry some brain cells, have fun, support some cause, sway to music, and live. I should start a new hippie movement. Who cares about the country's financial problems or the recession. Who needs war. Lets just hold hands and have peace n love. Listening to the Beatles right now BTW! I rub your back you rub mines and lets have a good time. GRoovY BaBy!

I understand the plight of my age group. Of course because I am in it. We are stuck between childhood and real life and both sides are pulling on us. We have to decide am I going to grow up and become the adult or try to maintain childhood just seeking fun and merriment. I sooooo want to choose the latter sometimes.

Next song just came up on my Itunes. Beyonce He's my man. What a joke. This message she is giving young women. She is talking about how other women, I am assuming her friends, are pointing out the flaws in her man, but she doesnt care because of the way he makes her feel. No matter what she gonna be there. What the hell! See this is why us young women are fools. We go off what He makes us feel. He makes a feel good and special, but what about the other crap he does....Lol...but hey Beyonce says no matter what be there...haha! Then she wants to talk about how she doesnt want to be the Broken-hearted girl. My itunes mix is trying to make a funny. Showing her hypocrisy. I probably should stop listening to her right now though. I am liable to cry. haha!

bye Bspot clearly the sangria is starting to talk to me.
kisses n hugs!

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