Friday, January 7, 2011


Sometimes I wonder if you can rely on anyone in this world? I count on my parents, my family, and myself. But can you even really depend on them? We are all fallible creatures. For that reason alone should one expect the worst out of someone, or even have no expectations at all. Is this where hope and faith play their roles? Should you allow people to be innocent until they are proven guilty when it comes to reliability? Or assume they are guilty and wont be reliable until they have a proven track record of coming through when you need them and even when you don't? I wonder which stance I should take. Which will lead to less dissapointment?
What about when someone consistently proves that they are unreliable? The people who say they will do things and don't. You call them in crisis and they are unresponsive. Why continue to subject yourself to their nonsense? They are inconsistent. Is it because you like them... You enjoy their company.. they have been around so long you are soooo used to them..or even because of Love?
Its hard to let people go, especially when you have created deep attachments and special bonds. Honestly though if people were to cut off everyone who has done them wrong would any relationships exist? Then again wouldn't it be better to eliminate those who are on their third fourth and fifth rounds of being sources of pain and anguish.
Human dilemmas and tragedies are for the birds. I think I will just live and stop wondering for now because our habits as people don't make sense.

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