Thursday, April 28, 2011

Winter's comfort

This is kind of part two of Remembering Winter. People often revisit the past hoping for different outcomes. I decided to revisit my old writings and write a part two. Enjoy.

Erratic as the weather
Summer when it should be winter
Why did I not stay in winter
Frozen where nothing could penetrate
Instead I toyed with spring, romanced summer
and the fall swiftly introduced pain and ache
did you not learn the Arctic was home
better off cold and alone

Glimmer of hope came from spring sun's light
only to later discover light was reflecting not coming from thee
blinding me, and now I see
my source of hope was misdirected yet again
Is there no compass, no astrology, no nothing for direction
the weather changes and takes me as it pleases
seek solace in cold winters dark, where I don't want to be, but must
for other season's fanfare I cannot trust

How did allow our spring to come again
Perhaps it was the promise of growth and of new
anticipation of summers long days with you
who knew, fall would come so soon
the decent was quick
thought a couple seasons would last before the good weather quit
false sense of security
but then again who controls the seasons
not you, not me
so winter comes regardless
back to my frozen mold...

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