Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thoughts of someone who should be sleeping

Today i fit my sign as far as the moody emotional. I definitely had some highs and lows. Sometimes i wish people could read minds,but only when you wanted them to. O well. It was a very unproductive snow day. I laid around. I relaxed. I pondered about life. I was upset. I was happy. I heard something disturbing. I laughed and laughed hard. I ate good. Today was a good day. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

BTW ive been thinking and I have been blessed with some great friends. Some who give me advice. Others for laughing and keeping it light. Friends to hang out, party, and have a great time with. A group of people i cant be real with. The love crazy me and I love em too. I just want to thank God for the people he put in my life. I love them. I have varying but all great relationships with each of them. Some people know all people and have the ultimate social network but only have one true friend. Other people have nothing at all. I have a few extraordinary friends and I appreciate them so much. Thank you guys for being my friends. Life would not be the same without you all.

I feel truly favored. I really have to thank God.
In this journey of life I never really been alone. I may have felt lonely at times, but in the grand scheme of things and compared to others ive pretty much dodged the bullet. No crazies for me. None ever hopefully n God willing.

You know this is great going to sleep in peace. Despite some of todays upsets n dissapointments at he end of the day I know it could have been worst.
Blessed Indeed.
Toodlea n nite nite bspot
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