Friday, December 10, 2010

Good Morning world!!

Sleep makes all things new. At least it feels like it. I feel revitalized. I can jump up and do anything. I can run a race right now. A race right to the breakfast table. I am famished!! What is it about sleep that makes me so hungry. Tomorrow I am gonna make a breakfast to be envied by many. Hopefully I make it to the grocery store. I'm so bleh without my car. I cant wait till he comes back to me. Or I go back to him rather. It will be nice.

It is the Christmas season again. The season of giving. I am going to find some community service over christmas break. I've gotta occupy my time forreal!! Enough ranting about nothing. im gonna go do some productive things, what they are I know not yet. But i will do something. Leggo!!

Toodles Bspot!

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