Thursday, March 17, 2011

The unexpected

I've come to expect the unexpected. I should be shocked at the surprises life throws me. I do say WOW, but daily there is something occurring that I did not see coming. Today was one of those days, I have had a couple WOW days back to back recently. What is going on world? lol. I was so happy today. It felt good, the weather was nice, and my day ended quite lovely. Refreshing actually! Never thought it would be like this. I cant wait to see what happens next. The story is unfolding before my very eyes. How quickly do things change....WOW

Going to sleep with a smile
Night Bspot!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Screaming through a sound proof wall

This is what the caged animal must feel like

Solemnly staring, once the internal rant is over

Confused from misuse

Should be free, but trapped in misery

This is why there is revolution

When requesting change back to better or for the better,

Results in no restitution

This is why I take up arms, fight with all my might

Though silent my plight

Silent suffering, but still indication of suffering

My demeanor doesn’t lie

Through cracked voice, in explanation, you hear my cry


So I take action

I’ve departed

Heart rescued from that which dared bring it harm

Eyes un-blinded from charms

Freed and frolicking in fields of unknown wonder

Natural habitat out yonder

But the temptation

Reminiscent sounds of comfortable familiarity send underlying tones

Come back to where you belong

Memories reach out with open arms


Assumptions get you killed

Assumptions get you killed. But Ms. we assume things everyday. I know I know. I wasn't saying you literally get killed. It was more metaphorically, if anything. Although it is very well possible to get killed from making assumptions. Stupid. Stupid. Anyway, I am talking about when you assume things about another individual. We assume that the people we love will be alive tomorrow. We assume that the people we count on will always be there. We assume people will never do things they do. Maybe its that we hope, and without the hope/ assumption we couldn't exist I guess. Well back to my point (tangents!!), I feel like when one assumes something about someone and when that assumption is not met or fulfilled, something in you dies. Especially, when those assumptions are based in logic. You are my parent, so I assume you should be there. You are my lover, significant other..I assume that you will care for me and avoid hurting me. Why is it that very often these assumptions are not realized? Is the world that sick and twisted of a place? Is it better to just isolate yourself? Are these Un-met assumptions unavoidable. I think so, but that is life. So what to do next? You recognize that the assumption of another is not always what is real and then you move on with your life. You recognize that every relationship is not a dream come true and you learn from it. You don't operate victimized, rather you leave empowered. Otherwise, you are then burdened with miseries that will plague you for life.

This was a great psycho-babble. In layman's terms it kinda goes like this. You assume people are what you dream them to be, or even what they seem to be. They are not, more often then not they disappoint you. You are hurt. You are sad. You feel murdered. You feel betrayed. You feel unloved. You may feel unworthy, insignificant, and unimportant. But it is not the end. You can survive. Assumptions don't define you. They are just a temporary explanation for how someone Should be. Recognize it for that, and don't dwell on the faults of another. Do you. Choose you. Choose to live better than the BS they presented to you. Life goes on.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello Old friend

I cant believe I have not blogged since feb 07, 2011
What a failure at life, so not winning.
I dont really have much to write about and then alot to right about the same time. I guess the words just wont come out. I hate this feeling. It is worst than a writers block. At least with a writers block there is nothing. No direction and no inspiration. The words dont exist. How I am feeling right now, I am sure there are words to capture its essence. I am thinking so many thing write now, but they wont come out! Shit! Yea, I used an expletive so what. The other words in my native tongue of English will not reveal themselves so I will resolve to use more debased forms of expression. SHIT! I should right something about this. No I wont because that will be more tangental and drive me further into the muddle that I am only, as of yet, on the fringes off. I stand teetering on the edge, dont know if I will fall in and drawn or just end up in perpetual fighting of it. I dont know what to do. I am in limbo. In purgatory. Save me. Guide me. Show me. (Mikaela's Plea)

I wish it was a simple as someone telling me what to do and then me fulfill the order. I wish I could snap my finger and everything fall into place. I wish this came with a guidebook or a map with hints. I am wandering blindly and bumping into everything. Why didnt I have a preview. Perhaps I did have one and was caught up in the imaginative recesses of my mind where only splendid things occur and i missed it. By Jove, I missed it.

Night. Sleep tight
B spot got me right.