Monday, July 20, 2009


Hello Bspot,
I guess you'll be my equivalent to ma g-spot because this is my way to verbally get off. I get a high off writing whats inside. Its a balm. Its a feel good thing. Its Ecstasy.
I am ever so thrilled to have found you. Thanks FAVoCUZZo for the introduction.
Now I will introduce myself.
Hi. I'm Me.
I'm daily discovering the Me Mystery. Sherlock should be my a.k.a because I'm unearthing this person that I am. Its a treasure hunt for sure. There is ALOT of uncertainty, but it comes with the territory of youth. Right?
I'm not THAT young, like on childhood's back steps. I am a lovely young adult. PROUD of it world!
I am definitely not trying to rush life. At least not anymore. I remember wishing i was older so I can do this and that. Not anymore. I am going to enjoy every moment. "Eat and Drink, for tomorrow we die" Soooooo my motto..I will Seize the Day!

I just realized I'm failing at this introduction. At least Bspot you have seen how all over the place I am. I will blame it on the fact that my eyes are heavy and dreaming beckons me. I guess i should say goodnight and try again tomorrow. FAREWELL


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