Monday, February 7, 2011

Diary's Secrets #1

So from time to time I've decided to post some excerpts of poems and such from my diaries. Nothing tooo crazy or personal. Just little tidbits I feel like sharing...

Never thought I would long for what we once had
Never though I would long to hear your voice so bad
Never thought I would long for your touch
Never thought I would miss you so much
Now we play like there was nothing there
Now we act like neither of us care
Now we act like strangers when we re-meet
I raise my hands, give up in defeat
Gave up on the we that we once were
However in my heart there alway be be a place that is yours

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I miss those yesterdays
The days we used to share

did they really exist?

so long ago did they occur
fading, hazy, evaporating into a blurr
Faintly do I remember the imprint of your caress
if I close my eyes and focus I can tune into the beat of your chest
nostalgia hits when i go certain places
hear certain sounds
smell certain things
I can think of the faces
the faces you made in those moments past
and then i come back to reality
does nothing last?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An ode to Natural

Natural is the only way, try it if you dare
Love All my kinks and curls
Natural rules the World
Oh so Versatile
Lovin this natural style

Natural= The Best
So what if I'm biased :P