Thursday, December 3, 2009


I am absolutely and totally encompassed with frustration. I could just pull my hair out and run screaming like a possessed mad woman down the streets. OH to lament in sack-cloth and ashes! Woe is life. I tend to over dramatize sometime, but I have this pent up feeling inside. The tension is real from my head to my toes. I feel it in my fingernails. WTF!

Transitionary periods are never easy. Change is hard. An although I sound very cliche' right now it is ever so true. I never felt like such a maniac. I wish making choices was so much easier. I, I am actually feeling stressed. I dont like it. I do not like it one bit. My father says not use the words confused. I am exploring my options. Positive cognition I guess, but it is a mask for the anquish I feel! I like being resolute.Secure in the next step. I have so much to offer. I hate being a jack of all trades and a master of none. My passion and motivation for what I have decided to major in has dissapated. I have interest in it, but i feel as though it is not my calling. Is it psychotic to believe in destiny? Well, i just know that the plan that you are "supposed" to take is not the one I feel comfortable with right now. Im am appalled and digusted by it. I feel the bile rise to my throat as I type about "the process" of college-to-grad school-to post doc-to career. Im so not into it.

I do not think I am the person for structure. Daddy always called me his flower girl. I think its time to walk in that calling and pursue some things that make me happy. I am young. This is my time. If I have to be destitute, I want to basically "do me". Well not exactly destitute, I dont really think you can really be poor poor poor in this day an age and truly be completely happy with life. You could be happy with yourself as a person but the life your leading, hunger and lack of shelter...NO BUENO..


Study Art

Live in another country

Wake up one morning run to the ocean draw or write and put that drawing or message in a bottle and set it free.

Go to a rainforest to take pictures

Read MANY MANY books

Meet the authors of some of those books

start a charity


Do something I am afraid of

Eat something I would never dare

Tell someone I am interested in the truth

take dance lessons like salsa and ballroom dancing

Go to a fancy banquet and wear an expensive gown

Stay in an old palace and run barefoot in it!


Get married or have a mindblowing romance

Travel with that person lol

have some kiddies

Teach a class

Be a makeup artist

Create and wear some of my designs

Help people

Advise people

Read Read Read some more

be and editor

Study abroad

Learn a foriegn language

Cook dishes from other nations

Get a masters maybe a PH.D

Own some kind of realestate

refurbish a building..or maybe a room

make money and give it to someone who needs it.

The list goes on..I think I will add a little on every post

Whether it be things I would like to do, or things about myself I would like to improve.

I really do love myself...I like this quote from Ralph Ellison Invisible Man

All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself. ~ Ralph Ellison, "Invisible Man"

I can only be me. I can ask myself what will make me happy and what will I do with my life. People are constantly trying to advise me because of the way their life has turned out. They dont want me to become stuck or become a statistic. The thing is I dont care how you lived your life. I am going to live mine. I feel revolutionary. Like a free thinker. I am no longer captive to the whims of the masses. This is my independence day!

I really do love me despite my frustrations and I love these girls too!!